Thursday, October 08, 2009

the afternoon post

I made it!  I made it!  It is Thursday and I'm home, safely away from the library.

I had been looking forward to the ritual beach reading this afternoon but it is too hot out there for me.  I was running some errands earlier and it felt like I had a plastic bag over my head.  It is so humid + blazing hot; it feels more like July or August than October.  Tonight's low is going to be a refreshing 80 degrees.  Seems like everywhere else people are snuggling into chilly autumn nights, pumpkin-patching, cider-drinking and sittin'-'round-the-fireplace.  All of you: I'm a little jealous of you.  Oh yes I am.

I started reading Angela's Ashes - incredible!  I cried myself to sleep a few nights ago because of pages 33-36.  So sad!  I couldn't even tell Steve about it the next day without choking up to the point of no-breathing.  I read some parts aloud to him in my best Irish accent, which makes him lose it in a huge wad of the giggles.  The author, Frank McCourt (RIP!), narrates the audio version, so I placed it on reserve and am looking forward to hearing him read his story.

You've seen it before, but you're due another look:
Angela's Ashes

In other news much the same...we're still in Spain with Gwynnie & Bitty & Mario & Bassols.  I adore it!  I never want to leave Spain.  Well, we're not there-there, but now I really want to go...According to a National Geographic we have lying around here, Spain is the #2 most-visited tourist destination in the world.   Who knew?  It seems like they have the countryside to themselves...


Ellie said...

It sucks in Texas too. It's around this time of year that I consider moving to Vermont-- the winters are nasty but at least I'd get an autumn.

Kate said...

We're warm up here, too, but we had a nice few days of chilliness. Spain is lovely. It's kinda nice, too, that they don't all speak English, so you have to really work to communicate there (if you're monolingual like I am, that is.) I was looking for a book to order from paperback swap this morning... I think I found the one! I could use a good cry.

Hope you've been doing well.

kimberlina said...

oh, i love books that make me cry like that. love them.

and yes, this heat is just fucking insane. your talk about chilly autumn nights and cider and fireplaces makes me long for the cold!