Monday, October 12, 2009

it's all happening at the beach


A sunrise from Saturday morning...paired with my sweetie, coffee, and breakfast sandwiches.  All in all, a winner.

I was at the beach this afternoon, reading again, since our library was closed for Columbus Day.  It never gets old...but the beachcombers are a little shifty, I won't lie.  Spotted today:  a young man (early 20s?) wearing nothing but brown tighty-whities in lieu of the Speedo or the even more modest swimming trunks.  And you know when elastic sort of stops working around leg holes and all that good stuff?  Your imagination can take it from here.

We worked some more on our pergola tonight - we braved the thorny bougainvillea bushes and tied them to the structure.  It shouldn't be too long until they take over and we have some shade and color POW! for the winter.


Kate said...

ahhhhh jealous

My friends went surfing today and the 12 year old daughter forgot her bikini bottoms, so they let her surf in her underwear. I was thinking that was bad enough...

.......... said...
