Tuesday, October 06, 2009

i'm a proactive complainer

Here's my schedule for the rest of the week.


Today: make it until 5 p.m.


Tomorrow, make it 8-5.


Thursday, Friday, Saturday = long weekend. 


I'm having trouble with working with the public.  Just moments ago I was enlightened by an old woman about what they're teaching kids in school these days.  And can you guess what they're teaching kids in school these days?  HOW TO HAVE HOMOSEXUAL SEX.  However "loudly" you read that, crank it up at least forty-six decibels.


Here's something else. 


Person:  "Where are the books on Samuel Adams?"


I tell this person where to look.  Enter unrelated early 40s couple from stage left: "He also makes a great beer!" To each other, the yuppie couple exchange this: "she so didn't get that (referring to me).  She's in the age of Bud, Coors, Busch, hahahaha!"


I said nothing.  Don't get me wrong:  I'm a little flattered to be confused with a teenager.  While I don't drink a lot of beer these days (I'm so damn old it gives me indigestion for days – btw, do any of you have that problem?), I do know that Samuel Adams doesn't quite top out my list of fave beer; not even close. 


But whatever, the point is that people are obnoxious.  And I'm so tired of it.  It's just not working for me, this whole public library thing.  At least not this week.  So I'm complaining a lot.  And you can just ignore it and go about your business. 


kimberlina said...

ugh, what fucking assholes. all of them! :(

all i know is that you CAN make it to your long weekend. you CAN. it's going to be awesome.

maybe you could even celebrate with some sam adams!

.......... said...

everyone sucks. i hope they get fat.