Saturday, August 29, 2009

scrapbook photo archive

Last June, I was in Oregon for my younger sister's college graduation.  After the ceremony, my mom and I ventured to the quiet coastal town of Gearhart, completely as an act of fate (my crazy pill-popping aunt was unexpectedly staying in the family's beach house a town away from Gearhart, so we had to think quickly about a Plan B and luckily, there was an option down the road some).

Lately, the Gearhart trip has been first and foremost on my mind.  It was so quiet and beautiful there where we stayed; I read A Year of Magical Thinking (which is one of those books you will never soon forget), we had fires every night and good comfort food (a root vegetable torte made by mom = delish), long walks during the day and ocean views all the time.  We were in a condo and you know how condos usually have a guestbook?  Well, the one in this particular condo turned up something neato: some family members of ours had stayed in the same place years before and wrote this mesage:


Today, I am aching for Oregon.  When I was in Portland this April:


Having lunch at ¿por que no? with sister:

Farmer's Market on the Park Blocks:

Just outside Portland - Horsetail Falls:

And some crazy lavendar azalea with raindrops, 'cause it was springtime and all:


Kate said...

oh, how beautiful

finding that entry must have been goosebump-inducing

kimberlina said...

*sigh* portland looks so incredible...