Monday, August 31, 2009


Augh! I need a new book to read.  Everything I've picked up lately just isn't cutting it for me.  I am enjoying the August issue of Interview featuring the fabulous January Jones, but I'd like a book already. If that is the worst a Monday can get however I suppose it ain't too bad. 

Last night's run: 9 miles.  It felt like nothing.  Well, I did *feel* all 9, but not in a mental blockage sort of way.  My ankles are tender so I'm wearing sneakers with my work attire.  Very suburban commuter, very barf-o.  But you have to do what you have to do.


Matty said...

I just picked up The Pilot's Wife by Anita Shreve. Haven't started it yet but I've heard it's good.

kimberlina said...

i've heard that's quite good as well, though i haven't read it myself yet.

also, really enjoying brave new world. totally didn't have to read it in high school!