Friday, September 04, 2009

just a couple

Here are some updates.

Did you realize that it is already the 4th of September?  What the heck!  I'm giddy.  The next seven months in Florida are my faves.

Jane has some worms in her poo!  Eww.  It has happened once before.  I sort of knew something was wrong with her but it took me a couple of days to get to the bottom of it.  Cat carrier = down from attic.  Step #1 in admitting to your kitty that yes, an unpleasant afternoon at the vet is in store, but you'll feel better tomorrow.

I finally found a book (memoir) worth sticking to: Stealing Buddha's Dinner (Nguyen, 2007).  I just stalked the author's website, and this is for fun.  The book jacket:

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