I've shared before that I love New Year's resolutions and hate it if you don't.
Of course I want to read more, cook more, write more and run again. That is all I ever want. Doing all of this while mothering and working full time is complicated. These are my little successes in the past year:
I read Treasure Island to George this summer. Me, the librarian who never reads, realized I read a lot to my son (Steve reads a lot to Helen). When we finished the book, we drove all the way down to a pirate bar on a boat slip in Ft. Lauderdale. Bringing books to life: you may lay to that.
Thanksgiving was a weird time. Our original plans were canceled because of sick children, so at the last minute we did something else. "Something else" meant instead of organic free-range turkey and sides we'd be eating pasta bolognese. The night altogether was tough for me -- I was extra homesick this year -- but the pasta was great, and I wanted to make my own bolognese; in fact, I never want to eat sauce out of a jar again! I've experimented a few times, using basil from our herb garden! Mmm.
Did I ever share that I was dairy-free for the better part of Helen's first year? Remind me to tell you about that one of these days. I'm inserting that here because I felt so much better when I didn't eat dairy, so part of "cook more" means "eat more dairy-free meals."
Run again is floating out there like a pipe dream. But throughout the year, we went on short little hikes a lot. Every weekend, almost, we were outside. So much so that when we skipped a hike I really missed it. There's something about walking alongside Helen and sharing in her wonder. The trees are so big. The pine needles are fascinating, you can scoop them up by the dozens! A bug! A bird! Nature.
And hey, I'm writing now! Right now! So there's something.
lovely - and welcome back! i'm going to try and ease myself back into following blogs i care about again, instead of hiding from feedly. it's just... so not google reader. :(
Librarians read. I know I do especially if you count reading junk on the Internet.
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