Friday, September 19, 2008


Diablo Cody, who is so badass it is annoying, recently said, ¨I'm a 30-year-old woman with a dwindling interest in blog culture.¨ [SOURCE] This actually has nothing more to do with Diablo Cody (but I will add that her name is so ridiculous that when I read it I simultaneously hear soundbites unloading semi-automatic weapons). But it has to do with her comment - for sure - the dwindling interest in blog culture. It made me think a little about blogging and how, about two years in, I really wasn´t blogging anymore, just keeping a diary of my pets and what Steve and I do on the weekends. I really don´t think of my blog as a blog.

More on my weekend plans to come...


Verdant Earl said...

I think that blogs, as with all things in love, have a fluctuating level of interest in our lives.

Right now I'm at a high point of interest, but I could see getting sick of it sometime in the not-so-distant future.

Verdant Earl said...

Um, I meant "all things in life", not love.

Some kind of slip there, eh.