Saturday, September 13, 2008

nolite te bastardes carborundorum


We are sickened by Sarah Palin and I think she is giving Steve heartburn, and I have always hated John McCain (always), etc. But the good news is, for at least today, the beach is still beautiful. So, we drank it up. We even brought books. Take that, Satan Sarah!

book bag


Ellie said...

Amen to the politics. It makes me nearly physically sick to contemplate. Our solution when we are unbearably upset by that sort of thing is to go to the dog park and watch other people's dogs running around and enjoying themselves.

LittlePea said...

John McSame is in my area of the woods today so it's all over the damn local news. I feel like gouging my own ears out.....

.......... said...

Madge, I've been back in Taiwan this past week and have been following the campaign in Chinese... :) If you thought Palin was frighteningly stupid in English, imagine what happens when she gets dubbed in Mandarin. So embarrassing.