Wednesday, September 10, 2008

open for business

because of winn-dixie

Steve knows that I have a passionate hate for Winn-Dixie; this sucks, because it is the closest grocery store to our house. But Steve, the charming optimist always says to me, ¨I wish you did´t hate Winn-Dixie.¨ Me too! But, the service is horrible (it is commonplace to be rung up without ever being spoken to); one morning I saw a roach scrambling across the aisles; their products suck, etc. He indulges me by doing big shopping trips at the closest Publix, which is my favorite grocery store in Florida.

On the rarest of occasions, though, Winn-Dixie knocks one out of the park. These spray roses are a case in point - $3.33 a bunch. Are you joking me? I´ve had them almost a week and they are so glorious - a word my mom uses when describing the most beautiful flowers.

1 comment:

kimberlina said...

my hated store is kash n' karry.

1) i hate purposefully misspelled alliterations. (watch i have a misspelling in there. classic.)

2) the cashiers don't know a corn plant from a dill plant.

those flowers are so bright and lively, by the way. good score!