Saturday, March 29, 2008

you need one

I've started and stopped probably eight posts this week; I'm inspired by so many things around me but nothing is translating into words. Certainly, I've managed to fail at posting a list each day this month. The April theme for nablopomo will be letters - enticing.

On Wednesday night, we tried racquetball for the first time and I loved it! Admittedly, I'm not great, but that was just fine. I hope we can play again soon.

On Thursday, I ate lunch in a park. Alone - oh, the solitude! It was a delicious experience. I think I may throw a sheet in my trunk for spontaneous picnic stops along my routes during the work week.

Come Friday, I had coffee with a friend. And I bought quite a few things at A. C. Moore, which just opened (hallelujah!). I had many accurate intuitions on Friday, as well. I correctly assumed the woman that kept driving by our house was the former owner who I never met (she looked happy, which is important I tell you!) - I knew it had to be her; a neighbor confirmed it. Said neighbor has a lot of garage sales (one a month) and when I saw all of her things under a blue tarp last night I said to Steve, tomorrow is garage sale Saturday! He disagreed. Guess what?! Garage sale!

My younger sister turns 22 today, Saturday, March 29th. She was born on a Saturday and I remember it perfectly. I was at my grandparents' house (technically I was outside their home, running on the sidewalk) and my grandpa answered the phone and handed it to my older sister first (mom's instructions). Our only question: brother or sister? SISTER! SISTER! SISTER! Woohoo, sisters. If you don't have one? Man, shoot! You need one.


Verdant Earl said...

Sisters...I have four of 'em.
Brothers...just the one.

Big Catholic family.

kimberlina said...

just one bro, but no sissy!

i convince myself that my good friends count.