Monday, March 31, 2008

bad and good

Today, somehow, Jane escaped and was waiting for me to find on her the front porch. I took my sweet time, about an hour. I was leaving for work, locking the door when a cougar Jane jumped out from behind a pot. Meep! It's me! I was horrified and sad. How did she get outside? Probably she decided to slip out the screen door behind me when I took out some recyclables about an hour before I found her. I don't know what I would do if something happened and I never saw her again. It is the worst kind of what if there is -- but? She's here. She's fine. Just had some cobwebs in her whiskers. I've been giving her plenty of snuggles and treats; she's had a long day that Jane.

Last night we saw Margot at the Wedding and absolutely loved it.


kimberlina said...

oh, i have that on my holds list!

and SO glad to see that jane is ok. they are sneaky, those cats. make sure you didn't have any open windows/broken screens she might have slipped through as well. i found thomas pressed against a buldging screen whilst yearning for ducks one day. i had to shut the window; we're on the 2nd floor!

btw - are staff exempt from fines at your library?

Spinning Girl said...

jane is adventurecat ... huntin spiderz