Tuesday, March 25, 2008

on break, some thoughts

  • Last week, I picked up a small package of my most favorite (well, second most favorite) store-bought cookies, Pepperidge Farm's Soft Baked Molasses cookies.  They are divine, especially with coffee.  The whole experience is over with too quickly. 
  • I admit to being displeased with the ending of No Country; I felt the abrupt ending was just another way of the Coen Brothers asking me to suck their dicks.   But because it left me so bothered, you may as well say I swallowed since I now want to see it again.  I found the ending dissected nicely here.  I'm mostly linking for my own sake, but it's worth a read if you have a cup of coffee and molasses cookie to accompany you.  As an aside, I linked to Premiere Magazine ages ago -- to this day, the article I linked to is one of the main reasons people come to my blog.  Remember the 20 most overrated films of all time?  That list?  Ooof, I get like 10 hits a week.
  • Well, we (Steve + myself) talked about racquetball last night.  I'm afraid I'll be too awful to keep up with him, but here's to hoping we can give it a try. 


Verdant Earl said...

Have No Country on our TV shelf but haven't had the time to watch it together...I'm tempted tonight.

kimberlina said...

hm, haven't yet watched, but i'll keep my throat at the ready. must.. not... gag...

Naynayfazz said...

I haven't seen the movie yet. Oh and I don't think I have ever seen you curse on here. I'm impressed.

Kate said...

A bridal shower was a much better way of spending a Saturday than watching this year's Best Picture nominees.

Spinning Girl said...

Still have not seen that movie. It usually takes me a good year or so to finally se the Best Picture. Last year, I was disappointed.