Monday, March 24, 2008

with four hours to go

I am having a relatively uneventful Monday; after three-day weekends, I usually come back to work thinking what the hell am I doing?  Like I've never helped anyone before, I don't know what a tax form is (1040 ES, 1040 ES, 1040 ES what are you?), I may or may not be able to find some information on business brokerage.  It's really awful, but I think I should be fine by tomorrow.
I think Steve and I are jointly guilty of eating a lot of crap lately and incorporating zero exercise into our lives.  I wish I had a magic wand to get myself over the daunting physical journey of getting back into shape -- the view from the bottom that looks up 29,000 feet or so.  Yes, I have about that much room to improve.  I keep thinking I will start, which gets me only to the next potato chip.  We drove past raquetball courts last night (they're always deserted) - so perhaps we will start there - at exactly the place that humors my coordination and my heart rate.  Maybe what's different this time, though, is that the two of us have never gotten back into shape together at the same time.  I think this could be a thrill.


Kate said...

I haven't started my gym week yet. I was supposed to start Sunday. The remainder of this week is going to be tough. I gained a pound, too. Not supposed to happen after the baby!

Lauren said...

Getting in shape is the thorn in my side. I think about it constantly and do nothing about it. NOTHING. Kyle is by far the skinniest person I know and he eats chocolate by the pound. We can't get in shape together the two of us are just too lazy.

kimberlina said...

it IS hard to find time to do things together. i love that you have raquetball courts, though. it's fun! and who cares about rules, right? i just end up bouncing the ball around the room. you know, if the court is inside, of course.

and be careful about magic wands. in return for your wish, you get a chocolate cake, too. deeeeeelish.

Spinning Girl said...

Fun! I think just about anything can be done one step at a time.