Thursday, June 08, 2006

this is my last embrace

Tomorrow is my last day of work - ever - at my school. I'm moving on. Literally. I have been showered with gifts all week. Showered! I had to put up the gift umbrella, but there was no stopping the storm. So tomorrow is my last day, and instead of sneaking out quietly as I had hoped, I am being whisked away to lunch and showered with more gifts (I've been warned). Help! I don't know the etiquette here. I spent 6 hours in malls tonight trying to buy gifts of my own to give away, but everything I bought turned out to be for, (hello, white Fiestaware clearance!). I am currently midway through rubberstamping some notecards to give as gifts. But should I sent these folks something more once I'm done and gone?
Are notecards enough? Or...should I feel guilty for doing so little? Actually, I have procrastinated. That's all I need to acknowledge. Notecards are my only choice. I feel guilty. Ugh. Must...go...stamp with love.

Poor me: Today, I sliced my finger with a knife while slicing through a bagel. Umm. It hurts. Whaaaa.
Poor me: I have lots of mosquito bites on my below-the-knees.
Poor me: And, my back is kind of aching.

Pity the fool!


kimberlina said...

ouch! i hate slicing fingers. not so pleasant. at all.

and happy last day of work, madge! i hope you haven't been buried under a deluge of gifts. but better gifts than elephant dung, i always say.

and i'm sure your notecards are quite enough. especially if they're hand stamped! that's very sweet.

Tits McGee said...

Congratulations! I'm sure your gifts are well-deserved and given with no expectation of gifts in return. Your notecards will be a lovely thank-you, and you should feel no guilt whatsoever.

::kisses boo-boo, applies hydrocortisone, rubs back, pities the fool::

Meghan said...

yay for presents! and yes, note cards are perfectly appropriate. when you're the one that's leaving, a card to anyone who made a difference to you is just fine.

as for your finger... uh... sucks to be you. although i heard once that the number one most common injury to the palm that emergency room folk see is when people are cutting bagels and slice through to their hand.

hot damn i love bagels.



Spinning Girl said...

I think notecards are a lovely gift. I hope that you like wherever you move on ... to.
Happy last day, hope it was a good one!