Monday, June 12, 2006

scribbles & doodles

Ask, and ye shall receive.
No, really.
I posted a wish*list not ten days ago, and then a package arrived upon my doorstep.
I unwrapped two (two!) really giant coloring books from none other than SG, the leading lady of elevenpointfive.
Big violet letters say it
Spinning Girl rules my world forever.

Thank you for the really giant* co
loring books:
*They are really giant.
You've released my inner modern artist:
And a sense of nostalgika. Ahhhhh, coloring books.
Crayons. Thick black lines. Crooked, ripped out pages on the fridge, or folded as gifts to my mom, dad, or sister.
Spinning Girl?
You rule my world.


Spinning Girl said...

This is so great!
Paint away, dear heart.

Tits McGee said...

AW! So. Cute.

I totally heart coloring with the kid. I wish you many happy hours spent with your fab new coloring books.

Spinning Girl is a big sweetie pie.

madge said...

Cheerio - I'm probably the wrong person to ask because I don't know how to tell you the answer. I could show you better than I could attempt to tell you. The secret of the sauce is in your blog's template. All you need to do is find the words "archives", "previous posts" (etc.) and change them to whatever you want, but you must keep the html coding the same.

Like I said, I am no help here. I offer your question to the universe...perhaps someone will answer this better than me.

SG: I love my coloring books! Wahoo!

Tits: Thank you, and...she is!

kimberlina said...

hurray! coloring! :) you look so freaking adorable, madge, in your bare feet (sandals?) and your humongous paintboard!

you are one lucky chica!

(what a great gift, just in time for class assignment procrastination!)

madge said...

Yes! Something else to keep me away from assignments! Woot!

madge said...

You betcha!