Thursday, May 18, 2006

road trip to Montana

I took scads of pictures across the lower 48s last week. Below are some of my favorites. But first, the states Steve and I drove through:

Florida (departure state)
Georgia (highlights: Atlanta, seeing hills for once! in northern GA)
Tennessee (highlights: ChattanOOOOga, Lookout Mountain, Nashville, rainy nights, firework stands)
Kentucky (lowlights: bass fishing contest and tri-county prom = very hard to find a hotel room our first night)
Illinois (highlight: buying RC Cola at a gas station)
Missouri (highlight: driving through St. Louis! And we ate a Subway sandwich in the back of Steve's truck - which I loved doing. More: driving past the Kansas City Royal's stadium - it was so cool)
Iowa (highlight: photograph of an exit sign with my surname on it came out PERFECTly wonderful in pitch, pitch dark. Lowlight: it's IOWA. THEY CAN KEEP IT)
Nebraska (highlight: we barely drove through Nebraska - we skirted around Omaha, which surprised me so much, as it came out of nowhere and then was kind of ginormously pleasing against the night)
South Dakota (highlight: the Badlands, Wall Drugstore. Lowlight: Cole gets his first diarrhea attack at a ghost town exit - the ghost town was AWESOME, the poop not so much)
Wyoming (highlight: Sheridan, the Tetons, signs pointing toward Yellowstone, the feeling that we'd ditched the "prairie" and were getting closer to Montana)
Montana (highlight: Bozeman. Wow. I LOVE that town. Big Sky. A Safeway! Mother's Double Fudge Cookies! AND Oregon dairy products. Heart! Steve and I also took a detour to a campground that was deserted and took a whiff of the good life. A healthier Cole loved the snow so much he became a Labrador Re-penguin and played to his heart's content)

We completed our mission in Montana.


Wyoming again (lowlight: Steve ran over a rabbit that *almost* got away, but in the end, he was no match for I-25 and a fast truck. Highlight: 25 degrees! Cold fun)
Colorado (highlight: Denver, passing city buses equipped with WI-FI!)
New Mexico (highlight: sunset over Santa Fe (that has OPI written all over it), Albuquerque, the University of New Mexico, Route 66, first sighting of vintage windmills)
Texas (what can I say? What can I say about Texas? We repeatedly sang an 'ol PeeWee's Great Adventure smash hit: the STARS at NIGHT shine BIG and BRIGHT, deep in the heart of TEXAS, even though we never saw the stars)
Oklahoma (highlight: it's possible the X-Files could have been based on Oklahoma. Creepy, but a good creepy; Oklahoma City was interesting, and Tinker Air Force Base was cool to drive by, as my dad spent some of his formative years there)
Arkansas (lowlight: Arkansian drivers make this state, quite possibly, the worst state EVER. I can't even bring myself to talk about it)
Tennessee Again (highlight: this time? Memphis! And Lookout Mountain again!)
Georgia Again (highlight? We whirled through Athens and checked out UGA. Steve then remembered he had a deep, deep hate for Georgia frat boys. I laughed very hard as he described them as "newborn, pink-faced hamsters")
Florida. Home.
I really do love the USA.

And now for the pictures, in no particular order ('cause Blogger is cool like that):

Freak ice storm in eastern Montana! We actually passed a Corvette with Florida tags pulled to the side of the road, driving in reverse down the mountain pass. It was funny.

Me walking Cole in the Badlands National Park:

That picture was taken in the bathroom of our motel room here, in Bozeman, MT:

I heart windmills:

Betcha can't guess where I took this:

Y'all were right:

I am obsessed with Tennessee:

Just beyond Nashville:

Running down a dream in Atlanta:

Blue skys in Wyoming:

Taken from the Interstate:


Meghan said...

aww... you and your mirror cuteness... and your spammed non-cuteness.... it's enough to make me kind of want a pack of Reese's.

anywho... rare Meghan post. I'll try to post again semi-soon, but who knows.

Glad you survived the trip!! excellent photos. sounds like it was fun!


Tits McGee said...

Thank you for the detailed run-down and the faboo pictures!

It sounds like so much fun and I am crazy jealous.

Didja go to Graceland or Sun Records when you were in Memphis?

Also, you are so frickin' cute.

Charlotte said...

It's a good thing they don't offer JDs or I'd really feel like I just wasted 3 years of my life.

I'm jealous you got to see the arch. I went in October and my hostess sucked... wouldn't take me to see it. The picture made me feel better about it. :) Did you get to do a beer tour??

madge said...

Okay...I had to delete the spam. I already have, like, some of those degrees and shit.

Meghan! It is always a good day when you grace the Duck Motif with comments. If I could give you some Reese's, I would, just for visiting.

Tits: When I go back to TN, I will make a point to actually get out of the car...we did crazy-fast drive thrus...but I have the TN bug BAD. I think I want to move there...

CMB in the house! I'm glad to bring a little bit of Arch into your life. I'm a sucker for famous American monuments. It's a good thing I've been to D.C. :) Next on my list: Mt. Rushmore.

The Q said...

How about the next time you drive through Texas you drive down to Austin? I'd love to give you a tour. Who better to get an Austin tour from than a born and bred Austinite? (There are very few of us in existence.)

Great photos. Seems like a lovely trip. I'm jealous.

madge said...


I would LOVE to visit Austin. I have heard only beautiful things about your native city, and I'm so totally going to look you up when I make it there!

Spinning Girl said...

What a great summary.

Your feelings re:Iowa are much like mine!

Meghan said...

ohh, you make me sound like a stranger!! i read your blog, but more often than not, i'm too lazy to post on mine, or write a comment... apologies.

and for you, i will write another post... topic: portable music devices.


Meghan said...

"ghetto blasters"?? oooook... i'll definitely check this out.

and i was just giving you a hard time earlier... kind of difficult to e-rib somebody.

time for more cough syrup, and sleep. cheers!!


kimberlina said...

madge, your pictures are beautiful! i love the nighttime photos especially. so lovely and glowy.


Spring, Ph.D. said...

Geez, I've actually been to Bozeman. And Butte, too. Re: Oregon dairy products, did you try any of the Tillamook cheese? It's the best (been there, too...Tillamook, I mean).