Sunday, May 21, 2006

oh where oh why?

This is not a post-post, but a list-list of some here-and-there things.

Where is Winona Ryder? I miss her. So much. I know I could easily go to IMDB and find out what she's doing (like I just did, two or so minutes ago), but it's not the same as *knowing* she will soon be appearing in a great film. Come back, Winona.

Why do garden centers at big box retailers usually close two hours before the store closes? Case in point: Target. I like to look for plants not in the heat of day, but during the evening. I do not have a garden, but I would like one. And I know that when I have a garden, I will find a way to shop at local nurseries and I will turn all garden snob and scoff at Target. But really, how can I when they are selling Smith & Hawken pieces with lots of copper (pretty, pretty copper) details?

Why do people like Tom Hanks?

Why don't I visit St. Petersburg more often than I actually do? I love it there. It's so close to me; just over a bridge.


Tits McGee said...

1) I miss her, too.

2) Because big box retailers are filthy whores.

3) I have absolutely no idea. Well, he was good on "Bosom Buddies," I guess.

4) I can't help you on this one, I'm afraid. I've never been to St. Petersburg. Holmes Beach? Yes. Orlando? Yes. Daytona? Yes. Lake Wales? Yes. St. Petersburg? Nope. My Florida relatives all live in the craptastic and/or retiree-packed parts of Florida. Lucky me!

kimberlina said...

and in big.

and splash.

.... holy fuck. this woman's computer next to me is beeping like crazy. i'm about to shank someone w/ my pen.


madge said...

Tits! You've been to Lake Wales? Halfway point between my wretched drive to West Palm Beach from Tampa? Somewhat close to Bartow and Yeehaw Junction? Wow. I feel so connected to you.

I've never heard of Holmes Beach. East Coast/West Coast/Redneck Riviera?

Kim! There is more to Tom Hanks than I give him credit for - I just. Can't. Hear. His. Voice. Or. I shoot up the walls and cling to the ceiling. I have problems.

I hope you didn't shank the woman next to you; but I would testify on your good behalf if it comes down to it.

carolina anne said...

Tom Hanks disturbs me. Have you looked closely at a picture of him lately?! He reminds me of D*** D******* from OLS, only more arrogant. But the female actress that gets the cringe award is Julia Stiles. Yuck.

FRITZ said...

1. I love Target
2. I kill all plants
3. If I didn't, I would buy all that pretty, pretty copper.
4. Tom Hanks talks like a neighbor would talk. That's why people like him.
5. I like any city that begins with 'St.' I don't know. I also like 'Yves San Lauren' for a name. I think I'll name my next pet that.
