Monday, May 22, 2006

spamma lamma

Spammers have the BEST names. Seriously!
A list of who currently wishes me a sucker:
  • Lala Karry
  • Chanel Grisel
  • Elly Son
  • Dalia Gwendolyn
  • Hilma Tonette
  • Elly Tandra
  • Cortney Brinda
  • Lashay Shanel
  • Rowena Keely
  • Rheba Vernell
  • Kayla Wendie
  • Ethel Belinda
  • Ming Mollie
What's in: Elly. Close second? Ming.
What's out: Chanel/Shanel. You can't fool me!
So five minutes ago: the indecipherables: smrhz71wyrq

[May 23rd EDIT]

This spam poetry just in from Ulrike Estefana:

room evening arm forth full.
better fascinate luck whos given miserable.
raised mother did,
mistress wife bought stairs hurrying?
garden my considered steps.
motor taught suddenly interest.
back matter thank quickly arm.
goes wish conduct son friend. saying gotten perhaps.
horses address news choose along kept.

THIS IS AWESOME. (In all honesty folks, "garden my considered steps" could be a really good name for a song. I'm just sayin' - maybe YOU should read your Russian spam).


Tits McGee said...

If I were plannng to star in porn movies, my porn name would totally be Lashay Shanel.

madge said...

I think I'd be using Lala Karry. I'd be doing the whole "Ohhhh Lala!" thing.

Tits McGee said...

Ohhhh Lala!

kimberlina said...

ming mollie!

you can't go wrong w/ alliteration.

well, not usually, at least.

madge said...

Ming Mollie might be the rule that makes the exception...

Spinning Girl said...

Spam kicks ass!

duff said...

wait a minute- i thought ulrike wrote that poem just for me!


Tits McGee said...

Your update is brilliant.

Meghan said...

i'm sorry, but what the bloody hell was that?! apparently, Russian poetry doesn't translate well.

