Thursday, May 18, 2006

tits tagged me!; 47ish questions later...

  1. First name? My first name has Greek origin; it comes from the word margaritos which means “pearl.”
  2. Were you named after anyone? No. I was purposely named for no one; I was almost an Amanda (yucky), but a second cousin (I’ve never met to date) was born and named Amanda a couple of weeks before my birth, and my mom didn’t want too many Amandas in the family.
  3. Do you wish on stars? I love to look at the stars and search for constellations; I love astronomy, but I don’t wish on stars.
  4. When did you last cry? During the season finale of Grey’s Anatomy. When they put the dog down? Oh my.
  5. Do you like your handwriting? Like?? What kind of word is that? I LOVE my handwriting. How can I make a living off my handwriting? Let me know.
  6. Favorite lunch meat? I’m not a vegetarian, but I rarely eat red meat. Roast beef, especially in a sandwich from Woodstock Wine & Deli is always a treat.
  7. Birthday? October 29.
  8. Most embarrassing CD? New Edition’s Greatest Hits, Volume I. I live for Cool It Now.
  9. If you were another person would you be friends with you? Yes! I’m a girl’s girl.
  10. Do you have a journal? Not really...
  11. Would you bungee jump? No thanks – I would rather go hang gliding. I’ve always wanted to float/coast/fly.
  12. Favorite cereal? I don’t eat cereal anymore, but I used to love anything cocoa.
  13. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Yes! I tie my laces too tight (double-knots, baby), so when I am ready to take off my shoes, I have to untie them.
  14. Do you think you’re strong? Physically? No. Mentally? Yes.
  15. Favorite ice cream flavor? Coffee.
  16. Shoe size? 6 ½ or 7, depending.
  17. Red or pink? Pink.
  18. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? The way I procrastinate.
  19. Who do you miss the most? I miss Steve during the week; I miss my immediate family all the time, as they live on the other coast and Hawaii.
  20. Do you want everyone to send this back? What’s in it for me?
  21. What color pants and shoes are you wearing? Charcoal yoga pants & bare feet.
  22. Last thing you ate? Chicken and spinach spanokopita.
  23. What are you listening to right now? D. Sergei flinging a jingle ball all around my apartment and my iPod (Michelle Shocked, Making The Run To Gladewater).
  24. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? I’d be Brick Red.
  25. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Steve.
  26. ?
  27. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Their douche bag factor.
  28. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Like? Love!
  29. Favorite drink? I love drinks. Alcohol-wise, I love champagne when I’m in and vodka tonics when I’m out. Otherwise, I love lemon and berry seltzers.
  30. Hair color? Brown, with annoying white hairs scattered throughout!
  31. Sport? I love watching college football, some pro, and the Winter Olympics. I used to play volleyball (for something like 8-9 years!), and I still love distance running, walking, and biking.
  32. ?
  33. Do you wear glasses? Nope! No contacts, either!
  34. Favorite food? Anything from my mom’s kitchen.
  35. Last movie you watched? I *think* it was Walk the Line.
  36. Favorite day of the year? That one day in the fall, when you can smell chimneys for the first time.
  37. Scary movies or happy endings? Scary movies!
  38. Summer or winter? Winter.
  39. Hugs or kisses? Hugs; Hershey Kisses.
  40. Favorite dessert? Hmmm. I don’t have much of a sweet tooth.
  41. What’s on your mouse pad? I don’t use one; my mouse is very high-tech - it has a track-man wheel.
  42. What did you watch on TV last night? Didn’t watch anything.
  43. Favorite smells? Coffee, autumn, roses from my garden in Portland.
  44. Favorite sounds? Cole’s yawning noises.
  45. Stones or Beatles? Stones.
  46. What’s the furthest you’ve been from home? Where is home?
  47. What books are you reading? Ishay, M. R. (2004). The history of human rights: From ancient times to the globalization era. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.


Spinning Girl said...

You rock so very much. SO MUCH.
We share the coffee ice cream love.
And autumn .... hmmmmm .....
I heart you.

Tits McGee said...

Do you know why I love you? Because you noticed the missing questions and I didn't.

Also, I love New Edition, and you have the cutest little feet ever.

madge said...

SG: I'm surprised we share the same love for coffee ice cream. I expected yours to be backwashed Diet Coke...


Tits! It is my small contribution to the world of numbers that I noticed. New Edition really is great, no?

kimberlina said...

you DO have tiny feet! adorable.

and hm, but i've never noticed your white hairs.