Thursday, April 27, 2006

you could just read my profile, but here now are some of my favorite things

  • taking walks at night
  • waking up to d. sergei kisses
  • license plates
  • cleaning green with vinegar & baking soda
  • little tiny parks
  • analog photography
  • design magazines
  • dada
  • ultra-fine point Sharpies
  • paper grocery bags, without chichi shopping handles
  • Clyde "the glide" Drexler
  • movies
  • roses & rose gardens
  • picture book animal stamps
  • lamps, lamps, lamps
  • urban theorist William Whyte: “So-called ‘undesirables’ are not the problem. It is the measures taken to combat them that is the problem…”
  • free time to read
  • rainy days
  • rocking chairs
  • tolerance
  • AAA Trip-Tiks
  • good luck charms
  • pleases & thank-yous


Tits McGee said...

Hooray for manners!

Kiss me, please, Madge.

D. Sergei is welcome to join us, if he'd like.

kimberlina said...

i have those stamps! i have them!

FRITZ said...


How I adore you.

I love those, too.

Spinning Girl said...

This post makes me want to do nice things.