Thursday, April 27, 2006

D. Sergei: from crazy to lazy in a few minutes flat.

Intermission! (2 minutes)

Good night!


kimberlina said...

i kiss mister sergei many times upon the head! he's absolutely adorable.

he also appears to move rather fast - i was going to liken him to my thomas, but realized that the only time thomas is a blur on camera is when he hears the food pouring into his bowl...

Meghan said...


man, i wish i had my cat here in the dorm. i miss that crazy little ball of evil.


Meghan said...
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Tits McGee said...

Sooooooooooooooooo cute.

We like to let our little ball of fur play with the brown paper bags for wine bottles. Y'know, the tall, narrow ones? He pokes his head in, inevitably gets it stuck in the bag, then backs up, trying to get his head out of the bag. Then we all mock him and laugh.

carolina anne said...

Aww, so sweet.

FRITZ said...

You have simply nailed the essence of cat. This may, indeed, inspire a blogging.

FRITZ said...

PS: Madge, I finally posted about the cult. You are my muse.