Wednesday, April 26, 2006

it landed on a scanner, IV

in no particular order:

  • I can't get enough of Metric's Monster Hospital and The Police and the Private. I am so addicted. I can't stop for the love of god.
  • I don't wear a lot of jewelry. But when I do, I like wearing gigantic necklaces. This one is a new favorite.
  • Cork: POP! Spring semester is over finally. Finally.
  • The Montana Proposition: to ditch work for a week and drive to Big Sky country - a couple of weeks from today. Late notice. I'm nervous to approach my boss about this. Help. The trip is 100% not out of my pocket. It's with my boyfriend. Gah! How do I approach her without throwing up from nerves? Any + all advice 100% appreciated, folks.
  • Shell: what once was lost now is found.


Tits McGee said...

Congrats, Madge!

::clinks glass::

As for notifying your boss, how about, "I'm going to Big Sky country, Bitches!!!"

Now go have a great time.

madge said...

You are the best.

What would I ever do without you?

Meghan said...

hmm... how about having your boyfriend call your boss and ask if it's ok to take you on a surprise trip for some special occasion? who can resist that sort of romantic schtuff?


madge said...

I like the way you think Meghan...

kimberlina said...

hurray for the end of semesters! you are so close to being done and i am so close to beginning.

maybe you can say something along the lines of, "i've got this amazing opportunity that i can't let pass... blah blah blah." i've always felt that "opportunity" is a good word to let you get away with what you want. it just sounds so... opportune!

and that necklace is gorgeous.

FRITZ said...

Lovely necklace!

How to go on vacation with express permission from boss:
-Lie and say you have a suffering relative out West, too brave to give up her ranch, too stubborn to let go of her Western Ways
-Tell her you are doing a documentary on real gay cowboys
-Explain to her your unpublished research into Big Sky Libraries
-I need to get away with my boyfriend, Steve, who is the doppelganger of my friend Fritz's fiancee, and he is going to whisk me off to Big Sky country, and I am young, and full of life, and if you do not grant this to me, I will have to quit my job and go to work at Hooter's, but I am willing to do that, for Wide Open Spaces are calling to me.

I love your scanning ideas.

Meghan said...

i may actually be with Fritz on her last suggested idea... oh, to be free and young again!


madge said...

Kimberlina...You are so close! Just a couple more weeks and you'll officially be official.

I definitely used the word "opportunity".

Fritz - it turns out that the truth worked just as well. I was nervous for nothing!

Meghan...I know. But I think of you, and you're so young & free!

kimberlina said...

dude, for real.

i am so jealous of meaghan and her naps! :)