Monday, March 06, 2006

My Mom is Cute

...because she clips silly things like this from the Trader Joes ad and mails them to me with love notes. Well, the note that came with this one said "I'm addicted to this dressing!"


Tits McGee said...

That. Is. So. Cute.

And the dressing sounds pretty yummy, too.

FRITZ said...

Who IS Trader Joe?

madge said...

Tits: I wish I may, I wish I might have a Trader Joes open up in my neighborhood (state? southern region?) tonight...yes, I can't wait to try this dressing. Anything champagne makes me salivate...

Fritz: Second cousin to Trader Vic. I think.

kimberlina said...

trader joe! i've heard of him/it. maybe one day i'll get to go (or is it mail order?). hum hum.

i'm scared to click on fleshlight at work. it doesn't sound work-safe.

FRITZ said...

I need a fleshlight for my cellulite. Huh?

Madge: Thank you for thinking I am funny. I think you are funny. And sweet. And imaginative. And artistic. And friendly. And kind.
Oh, I could go on and on about the Duck.

The Duck Motif.

(How is your boyfriend?)
I ask because you never tell.
And I am nosy.
Like a porcupine.

The Q said...

I think I have a comment crush on Fritz. Always the BEST comments. "I am nosy. Like a porcupine."

Tits McGee said...

Okay, I think I've stopped laughing enough to see the keyboard thru my tears and type the suggestion that perhaps it's time to consider word verification for your blog, my dear Madge?

And, no, you won't find the pictures of me at Big Tit Patrol. I sued and had them removed (the pictures, not my tits). I think I saw Fritz there, though...

kimberlina said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA!! black meat white treat? how very clever! ::continues chuckling:: a shame we can't see tit's tits. soon i shall click and see fritz's tits!

Spinning Girl said...

Hi, just stopping by to say I have been sick & not into reading, but next week when I am on vacation I will come back & read all I have missed! xoxox SG

madge said...

I am getting spammed by stupid + horny entrepreneurs!

I don't know what to do about le word verification...I got tired of always messing up the words myself, because I try to make words of them in my head so that typing them will be easier. Oh? I am lame!

Fritz: I will make a special post about my BF for you! Stay tuned...

Tits, Corley, Kimberlina, SG, are all my favorites.

Ian! Thanks for commenting here. Yes, I must say, my mom is pretty cute.