Friday, March 10, 2006

Me and my Boyfriend.

This post is dedicated directly to Fritz.

On something like Wednesday, or Tuesday, was Monday, I was asked by my work if I'd like to take some pictures of art students for the school's summer camp brochure. I said yes without hesitating, ran down to the art studio and started snapping away. On Tuesday, I was told, all dumbed-down and sugar-coated like, that my pictures weren't exactly what my work was looking for, and that they were going to retake them. I am sensitive - and I don't like when people approach me all dumbed-down. Work kind of stunk that day, and then, when I was getting ready to leave, my car wouldn't start, so I had to wait for AAA (even though they are in Jeb Bush's pocket, I love them. They really are a girl's - who lives 201 miles away from her boyfriend and 3,500 miles away from her dad - best friend) and get everything fixed. It was rough. It was a long day. I didn't have my cell phone with me. Everything came all at once, and I cried a little, but I realized that I wasn't crying about my stupid car, I was crying about the art brochure.

When I made it home, I called my boyfriend and I told him everything - first about my car, then about the brochure. I started getting all sensitive again (damn!) and he said to me, "the next time they ask you to take pictures, Madge, tell them to fuck off." And magically, with those vulgar little words, I felt so much better.

My boyfriend is doing great! His latest photographs are killer - he has been taking some photographs, in color, of big box retail parking lots at night - he catches whatever light the streetlights throw down around him...hopefully soon, I will be able to share with you the website he has been creating as his photography is quite rad. Rrrrad.

And I am so lucky. I get to be with the BF all week long, as I have a break from work and school. We have a long list of things we want to do, but we always have our cameras with us, so you will probably get to see a little bit of everything. Last month, we went to Miami.

Boyfriends rule. I imagine fiances rule, too, but I wouldn't know about that just yet...


FRITZ said...

Oh! Sweet, sweet boyfriend. I am glad to know you two will be spending a WHOLE WEEK together in paradise. Or a private rail car.

Your photos remind me of someone rather famous. I'm not sure who. In any case, they are modern and sleek and isolated and introspective and really a galavanting effort and most probably far too brilliant for any summer camp brochure.

You are like Edward Hopper, but with a camera. And I, who love Edward Hopper's singular look at isolated life, am in love, my friend.

Just in love.
Thanks for keeping me posted. I just wanted to know that Michael's twin was behaving himself, and treating dear Madge and the ducks well.

FRITZ said...

PS: Feeeeannnnnsayyys DO rule. Good people rule.

Good lovers rule.

Tits McGee said...

Y'know, Madge, your ellipsis sure has me wondering...

madge said...

Shucks, Fritz. You really do have the best things to say...thanks for the compliments. You have cheered me up as well. Stupid work!

Well, Tits's going to be a while...I think...before I' know...engaged...


kimberlina said...

ah, i'm so intrigued to see the photographs! i'm sorry to hear about the jerks at work - if you need the chinese mafia, let me know and i'll work my magic. though a boyfriend's vulgarity always works wonders.

Spinning Girl said...

I would like one. Can I get one mail-order?