Sunday, March 05, 2006

Oscar Bytes

Some of my observations:
  • Jon Stewart isn't funny, part II.
  • You don't know about part I, because I've never told you. I tried watching the Daily Show last summer. I wanted to love it; I've heard such great things about it. And after three minutes, maybe, I had to turn it off. He does that "pause" after he says something "witty" like "you couldn't possibly get me, I'm too smart". Well guess what? Vom, vom, vom.
  • Steven Spielberg: get over yourself.
  • Paul Giamatti is a nervous little man.
  • George Clooney is, um, just a little over-confident, no?
  • Jamie Foxx is very funny.
  • Rachel Weiss blah blah blah.
  • Loved the Where the Wild Things Are reference...
  • And loved Phillip Seymour Hoffman's Mom-fest. Awwww shucks. He's cute.
  • Here's one for Best Original Screenplay...
  • And props to Ang. The Ice Storm still gives me shivers. What a lovely acceptance speech.
  • And here's one for Best Picture...the only DVD I watched twice in a row in a really, really long time.


FRITZ said...

Didn't watch much of it...and Michael and I were having a similar conversation about Jon Stewart. I, personally, believe he's hilarious, but Michael contends he is too much like Dennis Miller, who is aristocratic and condescending.

I like Jon's book.

I think it's silly they get all pretentious about movies. There ARE some awesome movies out there...but...get over it, people.

kimberlina said...

awww.. i like jon stewart. and dislike dennis miller. mister miller has too much arrogance. maybe jon stewart is cuter? in any case, i am jealous that you even got to watch, because i lack cable. even free cable.

but we did just buy a wine cabinet. oh, do come over and drink with us?

Tits McGee said...

Okay, I totally love Jon Stewart, but I thought he was pretty lame as an Oscar host (though I'd take him over Billy Crystal or Whoopi Goldberg any day). As for your observation about Steven Spielberg - hear, hear. He looked positively pained every time the camera cut to him for a reaction shot.