Sunday, December 04, 2005

noise pollution or just pollution?

During my senior year of college, I lived next door to a fraternity. Not my best move.

It was then, in those how ever many months, that I noticed there is indeed a sound worse than nails down a chalkboard. That horrible sound, the sound that makes my muscles tense and my teeth clench, is the sound of a drunk male in his early twenties yelling at the top of his lungs. He will "say" nothing - he's just yelling for the sake of being noisy. Usually, the noisy sound is something like:


[visual aid: guess who's making that sound?]

And just like the instruments in Peter and the Wolf respond to one another, a noise more often than not will respond to the drunk male. Slightly quieter, it might resemble this kind of sound:


I've been going crazy since 2001.


FRITZ said...

This is hilarious...and completely on target. I think I've been to that very same party, and I think that very same guy vomited on my shoe.

carolina anne said...

I mentally wrote something to this effect last night.

kimberlina said...

gotta fraternities.

or ... there's always the molotov cocktail solution.

kimberlina said...


gotta LOVE fraternities, i meant. LOVE.

i guess subconsciously i couldn't even type it out.

madge said...

Fritz...that guy sucks!



Annie Lou, You're back! You must got through this a lot more than I do now. For some reason, drunk males were echoing all over Tampa last night. It was driving me bonker-oos.

Kimberlina, I do like the idea of molotov cocktailing them frat boys. They deserve it.


drwdxdka: Dr. W. Duxedka