Sunday, December 04, 2005

Sunday morning, that's what!


Cheryl said...

Suddenly I can't stop thinking about pie, cake, cookies, muffins...

FRITZ said...

What are we doing up and blogging? Where's my coffee?

Bobby said...

baking, yea!

So, on a totally unrelated note, I'm headed to the Gap tomorrow, just wondering if you could suggest something nice.

And do you still get discounts? After 7 years they should give you an honorary discount.

kimberlina said...

i made pancakes this morning! they were more cake than pan, though. like, thick crepes, or really thin round cakes.


madge said...

Cheryl...mmmm! Baked goods are good.

Fritz - I wish that computers made coffee.

Bobby! No more discounts - except the five finger one, but that's just not my gig. The only thing I have left is a very small number of stock shares that, not surprisingly, suck major patooties right now. I don't know what to recommend to you...perhaps something striped + brightly colored?!

Kimberlina! Baking machine! Mmmmm. I want to try your cakepans!