Monday, December 26, 2005

Happy Boxing Day

In a few moments, I will be driving on the curvy Sunset Highway to the family's beach cabin on the Oregon Coast (literally minutes away from this Great White Shark Attack! story of Christmas Eve. Great Whites off the Oregon Coast?! I would expect this in Florida!).

I'm heading back to blogging regularity some time next week, but just wanted to thank all of you for your holiday wishes and words of kindess in the case of my dear hurting friend. Also, I miss reading your blogs!


kimberlina said...

wow! oh, do be careful, madge. erm, but really, what's the weather like there? is it even surfing temperature?! brr!

Cheryl said...

Ya'll be careful out there!

madge said...

I survived the beach! No more shark attacks and yes, it is very cold surfing weather -- full wet suits and all. Oregonians, are however, completely nuts.

Pirate said...

Its been awhile but i thought i would stop by and wish you a Happy New Year and cry about the Ducks.