Saturday, December 24, 2005

the backwash of humanity lives in oregon

(If you want his address, I'm happy to give it out)

Today, everything changed. I had lunch with my last + best remaining friend from high school, and she is so much more than that, but that's the best way I know how to anonymously describe her. She is the greatest source of good energy in the entire universe that I know; she is one in nearly seven billion (are we there yet? Must check the pop clock!) and I'm sure you'd all feel the same exact way as I do if you met her. But today, the universe has some explaining to do.

She met the love of her life at our high school when we were seniors; he'd always been there, but they ended up together during the last month we spent at XHS. They went to the same out of state college - both making last minute decisions in the matter - to stay together. It wasn't high school love; it was the real McCoy. I knew this, because when I was with them, I would think that. And I knew pretty much everything in those days. But I was, at least, on a winning streak: they married five years later and I was in the wedding. Their families are equally as tremendous as they are...the engagement + wedding was just as dreamy for me as it was for them, I'm sure.

But today, my friend and I embraced extra-long before we greeted one another: she told me before our date that she was separated from her husband. The feeling inside me was the opposite of happiness.

He'd been lying to her for five years.

Five years.

In five years, he'd had (at least) 3 affairs.

She picked at her food when she told me the details - I couldn't eat (she is the kind of innocent that would tell me all of this over lunch, in a public restaurant: she is who she is and if the next person over hears her? she doesn't care). Her heart is so broken, but it is a fresh and numb broken. I am so ANGRY - I am angry at him. She is not angry yet. She is trying to figure him out: why? She said to me: But Madge? I don't think he knows who he is. And you know what? I don't know who I am either. I have so much exploring to do now. I don't know who I am! He is all I have known. For 8+ years.

There are so many details that make this worse - so everything is a lot worse than I've made it seem. But you're out in the universe - each and every one of you - and all I ask is that if you have a thought to spare, make it a good one and send it on to my friend. She just. Ugh. She just didn't deserve to be screwed like this.

On a completely different note: Merry Christmas.


Meghan said...

oh my. my, my my. yeah, that sort of betrayal will take a long time to heal. nobody deserves to be put through this, especially not somebody as fabulous-sounding as your friend. my heart goes out to her. sounds like it's a good thing that you came home.

merry christmas to you too!


wqemkp- i don't know. ask me after Christmas, because right now i'm so whupped, i just don't know.

Spinning Girl said...

There is no greater betrayal.

I am sending positive energy due west.

Merry Christmas, my darling gal!

Monkey said...

Oh Madge! I'm sending your friend all the love in the universe that I can muster. He sounds like a very insecure man. It won't help her to know that it probably had nothing to do with her and all about the holes within himself that he doesn't know how else to fill.

Hugs to your friend and a Merry Christmas to you and yours

Monkey and Purple

kimberlina said...

*hugs* to your friend - what a way to spend the holidays! if you give me his address, maybe i'll send my chinese mafia to kick his ass. all i have to do is waggle my little finger, and *pff* - he's taken care of. down the drain, where all backwash should be.

Cheryl said...

Jerk. I was married to one of those. Your friend is blessed to have you, and it's nice that you could see her now when she needs your support. Friends who care are the best help in those times!