Sunday, January 01, 2006

My blog baggage.

Tag de Kimberlina:

1. go into your archives.
2. find your 23rd post.
3. find the fifth sentence.
4. post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.
5. tag five other people to do the same thing.

1. Done.
2. Done.
3. Done.
4. "When I was something like 11, I purchased a "baby names" book from this skeezy bookstore in an even skeezier mall and upon ringing me up the clerk asked if I was expecting."
5. Do I know five other people!!?

Back to Number 4. I think I have the strangest hobbies; I love first names, but I don't really "like" the hobby of geneology. I don't get very far with my family tree (e.g. my mom's real father is someone I know nothing about = not exciting family treeage), which is probably why I have a hard time getting juiced up over it whatsoever. In an attempt to change that, I do want to solve a mystery involving my father's side of the family. My dad's grandma named all of her children for characters in novels she'd read or was reading during her 7 pregnancies. I know my grandma was named Edna because of the Augusta Evans Wilson novel St. Elmo - the main character was one fiesty Edna Earl (interestingly enough, Wilson was a Southern writer, and an anti-Catholic one at that; had my great-grandma known that, I am almost sure my grandma wouldn't have been Edna). But the other six book names are complete mysteries -- I just have to contact my grandma's living siblings and to complete the square (in this case: to complete the heptagon). I would eventually love to have a small library of these seven books - books probably only available at antique stores or rare dealers or something like that - and then consider this library my family tree. I like to have a purpose when I go antiquing, otherwise, I can get very lost for hours and hours in my own imagination!

I tag Annie and Meghan!


Meghan said...

i did it! check it, yo.

btw- hope the world is looking okay from your viewpoint!


lnvbcgs- natural log volumes of the y-axis intersection and charges. if you'd paid attention in Geometry, you'd know what this means.

Spinning Girl said...

I loved this post.
You are such a gem!

Anonymous said...

Wow I like the 'books as family tree' thing... how FUN!!! I hope you find them...