Monday, November 07, 2005

St. Revolver to the Head

These are the stupid things we entertain ourselves with at work:

Part I
"Guess what *Mr. McGee* asked me?"
"Are you a liberals?"
Cue banjo theme from Deliverance...NOW.
So I'm perfectly clear:
We is a liberals.


Meghan said...

yay for being a liberals! duelling banjoes is playing in my head.


mxgti- the new 2006 Ford model, specially made for people without left hands.

kimberlina said...

dewdewdew dew dew dew dew dew ... dew......

dewdewdew dewdew dew dew dew... dewwww.....

dew dew dewdewdew...

*fingers cramp*

madge said...

Meghan: Being 2 liberals is better than 1. (?)

Kimberlina: No you didn't. That's the funniest thing I've ever read.

kimberlina said...

also, i saw this and thought of you:

kimberlina said...

hm. let me know if you didn't get that via email at least...

Spinning Girl said...

dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dummmm (visualize banjo music)

madge said...

All of this vaguely reminds me of the infamous Bush question:

Is our children learning?

Well...asked & answered.

Kimberlina - I was able to do some sleuthing and have determined that you were guiding me towards the devilish nano cases?! Love. Love. Love.

Spinning - it's true. Too true.

Yak - uh huh. I do like to squeal like a pig, though...

Meghan said...

I'm pretty sure you're thinking of the Hult Center down on 7th and Willamette... big ugly concrete building where Eugene attempts to be cultured? yeah, that's the Hult. I saw RENT there for the first time as well... love it!

i'm amused that you noticed the little footnotes on my blogs... he didn't until i made reference to them once, but the resolution on his screen is down for gaming, and his color vision isn't very good anyhow.

do you really think i have a genuine concern for others? i got called a "selfish bitch" not 6 months ago... still stinging from that one.

uh oh, i hear the RA keying into rooms... Brits out!


kdomhavm- haahah, this reminds me of my parents' pastor... he's got a bit of a lisp, and sometimes he'd get a bit of a hiss at the end of words and it'd be all i could do to not burst out giggling. did i mention i was 10?

madge said...

Meghan: Ahhh, I know what it is like to be called the selfish bitch.

All these years later & it still hurts! [Wait, how many times has this happened, and why I am only referring to the one certain time years & years ago?]

You definitely do not possess the qualities of a selfish bitch!

FRITZ said...

I be liberal, toos.

Not like dem' smart sunovabitches.
Them con-serv-a-tators.

FRITZ said...


my god, that was Funny. I started singing along.

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