Tuesday, November 08, 2005

the woes of potential friendship

Tonight I saw Evita at my local performing (I just typed performating - what do you think is really on mind, here?) arts center. I went with a handful of teachers and students that I work with, and despite what it sounds like, it wasn't some sort of formal babysitting job.

I didn't even have this in my mind before I spoke to my boyfriend as I was getting ready to leave my apartment, but he asked me: "Afterwards, are you going out for dessert and coffee?"

Instantly, I fell in love with the idea. I love being in a dessert house around 10:00 p.m, with a cup of coffee to boot and good girl dish. I imagined I would do exactly this, with the teachers I am friendly with. And then I envisioned myself drinking a glass of wine (even champagne - I packed a $20, baby) before the show + during intermission. It was heaven, all this dessert, coffee, wine, and/or champagne I was thinking of.

But apparently, I'm crazy.

I sat next to a teacher who I have known only casually and thought was pleasant enough to get to know better.


She came wearing her school ID badge and looked for our randomly seated students with binoculars to make sure they were "behaving."


Let me tell you something. For a high school student to voluntarily pay for a ticket to see Evita, it's pretty much a guarantee they're a good kid. And before she whipped out the binoculars, we made puny conversation in which she revealed to me that she hated my home city. Well fine! I hate you, stupid!

And the worst part? This teacher cried at the end of the show - in heaping sobs - and dramatically wiped her eyes with the backsides of her hands. You know, that classic "look at me I'm crying and you're not" trick. BFD. Evita was lame. Lame I tell you!

There is ice running through my veins and I love it.

I cried because I didn't get any wine.
Dessert house.
Or coffee.


Cheryl said...

BINOCULARS??????????!!!!!!!!! Oh. Was I yelling? Sorry.

madge said...

You may yell! You can do whatever you want! I hate rules!

kimberlina said...

that so sucks, madgie. where do you go for dessert here? melting pot? blackhawk? i think they have wine and desserts there. or cheesecake factory... mmm... i am so hungry.

i am in jury duty right now. fun, huh? i hope i'm not getting charged for connecting...

Meghan said...

haahahahahhaa... wow, i want to slap that lady. i hate it when people do that guilt trip with the crying and the dramatic eye-wipe. i usually laugh really loudly when people do that... not always because they're crying either. sometimes, the scenes that make others cry i just find realllly fucking funny.

go get yourself coffee. what town did she make fun of? Portland? EUGENE?! i keel dat beetch. cheers!


ovdewv- it's a sign! something is overdue... oh shit, it's my library book.

Calzone said...

Sad story Madge. Baileys and coffee and something chocolate would have been fab.

Sorry I have a hard time staying in character over here.

madge said...

Kimberlina - I've been to Melting Pot & Cheesecake Factory. But haven't heard of Blackhawk? Jury Duty! Hope the experience was brief...

Meghan - Portland! She visited Lewis + Clark with a friend + said it just wasn't her atmosphere.

Calzone said fab.

Meghan said...

how can you not love portland? stupid uptight teacher lady. unless you've lived there since Day 1, there is no reason to not love it. gah... when will you southern liberals all come home?!


mfqqg- what i muttered when i read my test score in Spanish...

FRITZ said...

Who ARE these people? Anyone? ANYONE? Jeeez.

We'll go out for coffee and dessert after a show. And you can put the champagne into your gullet while I use the binoculars to scope out good parking spots. Or guys' butts.

kimberlina said...

blackhawk is a coffee shop (not starbucks, so it's ok to "hang" here). ;) it's down in hyde park. it's great on cold nights for minty hot chocolate. they have concrete tables and big adirondack chairs to sit in outside(i think that's what they are... let me check.. i was right! rock on).

and they have wine & alcohol. and i think there's a park nearby that's fun to sneak into and swing on. or to make out on the jungle gym. ;)

Spinning Girl said...

Oh jeez.
I hate getting stuck with a hater.