Sunday, November 06, 2005

twenty-six a week + a day

Fritz has informed me that she is receiving subliminal Madge word verifications and that I must get back to blogging.

Love that Fritz.

You see, I've been here. I've been lurking on your blogs, reading them, loving your talents, and wishing I had as equally fabulous things to post about. I also had a crappy week, but lately things are on the up and up. Thursday was particularly bad. I overslept by two hours (no one phoned from work to wake me up - they said I needed the sleep + I was probably fighting off a cold. I wasn't. But aren't they sweeties?), I unplugged the work fridge by accident and defrosted the freezer into a hazardous puddle that someone else cleaned up for me, and then, when I was reheating something in my microwave Thursday night, it burst into flames. Note to self: never pour water on an electrical fire again. And note to self to ponder: why am I so shy about calling 911?!

I'm twenty-six, afterall.

I spent my weekend in the company of my boyfriend, who, as an avid reader of the Duck Motif and native Floridian, thinks I shouldn't mention all the ways I hate Florida, in my blog and in his company. Because, for what it's worth, I've concluded that I don't hate Florida. I hate the space between Florida + Oregon. It is still okay for me to hate Texas, and that makes me happy.

But I really love Missouri.

My boyfriend also popped my iPod cherry this weekend and bought me an iPod nano for my birthday! It wasn't so long ago that I blogged about seeing an old Sony Walkman at school one night and I think Kimberlina commented that she loved her iPod, and maybe I commented back and said something like I would love an iPod if I had one. My boyfriend, the avid reader of my blog, took note.

Love that Kimberlina.

And I love that boyfriend. We had a great weekend. We went to a French restaurant for a gigantic birthday feast with his family and his evil stepmother, Brunhilda Q. Beezlebub. My boyfriend ordered the scallops. Guess how many he received on his plate?


No, really. There were only 4 scallops on his plate.

The "plate" cost $35.

We had a lovely evening, though - and after dinner decided that we were both too chicken shit to watch the new Amityville Horror DVD ("Is this discipline or torture?" "It's meatloaf."). If one of us fell asleep mid-movie, the other couldn't go it alone. We discovered this when, at some point, I screamed out of fright and went to take comfort in burying my head in his chest. It sounds cute, but it didn't work. En route to his chest, I hooked my nose around his index finger (?) and pulled my head quickly to his chest. Ouchie.

I also purchased a new digital camera this weekend. Woot! I love paydays:

I love my new Nikon! It is my first - so the proverbial Nikon cherry has now been popped, too.

Expect more pictures on the Duck Motif henceforth.

And that is all for now. I have cds to import, baby, cds to import!


Meghan said...

yay for iPods! a set of my parents gave me an iPod shuffle for graduation, and i heart it.

fancy shmancy digital cameras, however... i have not.

i'm sorry you had a crap week. those're no good. and it really does sound like that's what you had, although it was nice of your coworkers to let you sleep.

as for the french restaurant... those french schmuks never could figure out what makes for a good meal. they eat frogs and snails and call it tasty, for chrissakes! i call Reese's tasty. no animal parts necessary.

yeah... i'm going to bed. cheers!


tlnecm- a body lotion specially designed to make the user blow up like a blimp and hiss. oh how i wish this existed.

FRITZ said...

Oh! I am relieved to have you back, lurker. And a fire in the microwave? You so have things to post about.

Your boyfriend is good people. Plus, he takes note. This is important in a man. Very important.

I am wishing you another late birthday wish. I hope your year goes well and the asshole in your class (is it Mike?) gets stuck in a puddle, himself.

I want an Ipod so badly I could scream.


kimberlina said...

madgie! so glad that you are back as well. i'm hearing it about those bad weeks. screw 'em! um, fires in the kitchen? never a good thing. baking soda is your friend!

it sounds like you had a pretty good weekend, for the most part. spending time w/ boyfriends is lovely, so lovely. you didn't have to pay for the said $35 4-scallop plate, yes? there's a plus. and was it divine? sometimes if the food is good, the cost evens out. *sometimes*

congrats on the ipod & nikon cherry popping! hopefully it didn't hurt too bad, but was a wonderfully sublime experience for you. just go with the flow - it feels good. and yes, i heart my ipod! and i heart my nikon - even though it's a manual, it's a dear. one day i will have a nice digital one... one day...

*hug* here's to a better, non-puddle-y, non-fire-y/exploding microwave-y week!

John said...

Certainly missed ya! I was down to only about 5.5 hours of blogs to read...I actually had to work some on Thursday!


madge said...

To Meghan: I'm so glad you love your iPod shuffle! They're so tiny + cute. How often do you swipe out old songs in place of new ones? What a fabulous way to organize music. Mmmm - Reese's! Tasty indeedy.

To Fritz: Yes, my boyfriend pays a lot of attention to my every last word and thought. This is one of his amazing traits. Thank you again for the birthday wish. You're the best! If I win the lottery, I'll buy you an iPod. I swear.

To Kimberlina: Baking soda is my friend. I have a huge glass container of it sitting on my kitchen counter. In crisis mode, I too wish brains were my friend. Gulp. Yes - my meal was mega-delicious, from the appetizer to the cappuccino/dessert. Those French throw a lot of courses at you...and I think my boyfriend did like his scallops. Thank you for your wishes - I wish everything right back at you. Hope the semester is going okay - we're almost done, right?!!

Spinning Girl said...

You are so high tech now.

carolina anne said...

I'm happy you had a good weekend! Mine went well also but I am lacking serious motivation to blog (or do anything for that matter). I miss you and I love you and be sure to put "September" on that iPod!

Cheryl said...

We always called Missouri "Misery" at my house, 'cause my mom's family was from there. So just in case you ever change your mind and decide to hate it... well, there's your new nickname for it.