Monday, November 28, 2005

Smile for no reason

Once upon a time, I was afraid of dogs. To a certain degree, I still am. I am afraid of dogs that do not have a natural liking for me. But before, when I would see a dog coming toward me, I would start shaking like a leaf and/or cross the street and/or run. Stupid Madge. When I saw a dog during my routine walks to the bus stop back in Portland, I would feel the same way I do when I am on top of the ferris wheel, the quietest place in the world: ready to tinkle in my pants.

Things have since changed, in all parts due to my boyfriend, who brought this little (big) fella into my life two years ago.

Okay. Really? That's all true, but I just wanted to post a picture of my dog - because when you have to call AAA at 11:20 p.m. so that they might change your tire and you have to wait an hour for the tow truck to arrive in a sketchy parking lot just to change a tire you stupid girl - you need to smile at something.

I choose Cole.

Because he loves to smile at me.


kimberlina said...

ack! sounds pretty scary, madgie - i am glad that you got home safe and that cole was able to make you smile. he's a total cutie pa-too-tie.

hopefully that didn't make you gag. ;)

John said...

Thanks for the smile.

You are right. You don't need a reason to choose to smile.

Meghan said...

oh man, i grew up afraid of dogs too... apparently when i was a kid, my parents' dog knocked me over. in 5th grade, though, i got a dog (that actually looked a lot like your Cole), and the world changed. i am now 100% for dogs (or is it 100% anti-cats? who knows).

unconditional love is a beautiful thing. tow truck drivers, however, are just scary.

Brits out!


tkpff- what my old computer said on its last day as a functioning piece of my life.

madge said...

I love cutie pa-too-ties!

Tow truck drivers, however, are not cutie pa-too-ties.

FRITZ said...

Oooof. I hate flat tires, AAA, and anything else that signifies inconvienence. Or however the hell you spell that.

However, I love smiles.

Anonymous said...

Hi Farga, a dog story for you:

As I was preparing my breakfast this morning, I discovered my milk went sour (then my mood went the same route shortly thereafter) so after class today I stopped at Freddies to buy some milk, and as I was leaving, a pit bull came running at me in the parking lot. I just kept walking. She ran into me & stopped to sniff my grocery bag's contents. I continued to mind my own business and opened up the car door and she jumped in the front seat!!! I said to her, "I just don't know what you want from me." And she jumped out and ran away.