Friday, November 25, 2005

Please Return To Me:


if you've seen her! I know she's in Kauai & everything, but still! The Younger of the Two Big Sisters is really, really missing her!


Spinning Girl said...


Meghan said...

i'm sure she's having a lovely trip, and will tell you all about it when she gets back to the mainland. i'm sure the weather over there is better than here- i came home to Eugene/Florence for Thanksgiving, and it has been raining constantly. Temp: around 40 degrees Farenheit. -shakes head- yuck. at least i have delicious stuffing! yay for stuffing! thank goodness for the annual celebration of the White Man killing off the indiginous peoples... i wonder if other colonised and raped countries celebrate the day they were initially violated like us... Cheers!


cmbeofur- the latest type of coat lining in the fashion world. but by the time you read this, it'll already have gone out of style.

kimberlina said...

awww... you should just hop a plane right now and go see her!

Meghan said...

oh man, the word verification that came up was just too good to pass up. hope your thanksgiving was a good one!


playp- the big-money duck-billed's street name.

FRITZ said...

Please send coconuts.

Missing family on holidays is awful.

I miss YOU, Madge.