Friday, November 25, 2005

filling in the gaps - it's already Friday?

Today - I am going to try my hand at geocaching - NOT conspicuous consumption.
Yesterday - I had a delicious Thanksgiving dinner here and several laughs.
Wednesday - I finished cataloging miscellaneous children's books in Spanish.
Tuesday - I didn't go to my cataloging class because I was having a near melt-down as to what to wear for a fancy Thanksgiving dinner. It turns out that I ended up wearing a dress I have had since 1997.

Random photo brought to you by my boyfriend. Oh! And I love it.


kimberlina said...

i haven't gone to my chemistry class in a week... eek! i am hoarding all my free time right now and am nursing it closely, like a wounded and helpless animal.

i am *very* excited to hear about your geocaching!

ps - i finally got a few of the slides and am uploading - must get the others!!

FRITZ said...

This picture is fantastic.


Quite good.