Monday, November 21, 2005

who are these people?

Thanksgiving is coming and I thought I would start the week by posting a picture of my dad's sprawling family, circa the mid-fifties. He's the one sitting on his grandpa's lap. They're both posing with their hands near their faces. How cute. What a bunch of turkeys.

This Thanksgiving, I will be writing papers and playing with the DDC. My boyfriend is so good to put up with me and my full-time student brain. I think I want to take him on a date to the movies - but I don't know which one to pick. I really want to see Pride & Prejudice, but I have a feeling he probably won't. That's okay - it's his date.

Tick to the tock - it's eleven o'clock! I have to get to bed. Early start + long day tomorrow.


Meghan said...

nice family photo! my dad's family is spread all over the place (aka, dad moved far away from them all), so there is no family portrait like yours. thank goodness. they're all crazy as loons.

i've heard good things about the new Johnny Cash movie, but am having a hard time accepting it as anything besides a spin-off of "Ray". i'm sure it's a wonderful movie, but somehow...

it's good to be back. Brits out!


nmadjtet- what people will nickname your triplets (but because they're from the South there'll be that hint of an accent). :D yay for northern prejudices

Spinning Girl said...

Pictures like that make me nostalgic.

madge said...

Meghan - I've been thinking about seeing Walk the Line. Ever since I saw Joaquin Phoenix in To Die For, I am a little bit creeped out by him. But I know I'm only being silly. I bet the movie will be good enough. I never saw Ray...

Spinning Girl - I may join your Me So Cute Mondays group, but most of my baby photos are in Oregon. Alas, I might be able to get serious in December.

Meghan said...

you've never seen Ray? you should. i highly recommend it. Jamie Foxx does an incredible job, and i completely forgot it was him until one scene in the movie, and i was all, "whoa, that's right! whoa..."

this weekend, my plan is to see Star Wars IV, V, and VI. the original 3. ohhh yeah.

and i think you know who needs to get out.


tetqwbjh- i don't know what this means. i want a Reese's.

kimberlina said...

i love your old photos - they give me good feelings. reminds me that i have old pics i need to get scanned before they crumble away to nothing.

FRITZ said...

Good looking family, here, Madgy. No wonder you're such a hotie. And for some reason, I thought Meghan was your true-life sister?

Man, am I confused.

Calzone said...

Tick to the tock? Are you trying to get me excited?

carolina anne said...

I miss family.