Monday, November 28, 2005

Me So Cute Monday

My logic as to why I am participating in Spinning Girl's weekly cute fest: I was born on a Monday. How could I not do this?

Lessons from this picture:
Cherry red knapsacks rule - I still use one.
When a box of Kleenex is half your size, life is good.
It is never too early in the morning to smile for a camera.
(I do not remember this picture being taken, but I can tell you that I just woke up - simply by looking at me.)


Spinning Girl said...

Excuse me ... attention please ...

HOW CUTE ARE YOU?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Calzone said...

So darn cute damn you

FRITZ said...


carolina anne said...

Did you have a little sister at that point?!

madge said...


This was taken when I was in kindergarden - I was 4 - you were still 2+ years away.

John said...

quite the cutie.

But alas, I cannot say the word "cute" without a tear in my eye (you know who you are)

Meghan said...

oh my goodness you were so cute! (i say were because i don't know what you look like now, but i'm sure you're still cute) goodness that picture made me happy. thank you!


hqfixfhq- the almost-palindrominity of this word ver. is magical.

madge said...

Meghan! You're such a dear. I'm glad to make you smile. :)

BTW, I'm butt-ass ugly these days. I don't know what happened.

Meghan said...

i highly doubt that. nobody as nice as you could be "butt-ass ugly". it just doesn't work like that.


kttixcp- Hello Kitty Dixie Cups.

kimberlina said...

to paraphrase everyone else: you are freaking adorable. i love that the kleenex box is so big!

when i saw the picture, i was like, "hey, she looks asian!"

anthony disagrees - maybe it's just me trying to project my asian-ness on others. or something.

::pinches your cheeks::

(facial cheeks...)

madge said...

Kimberlina - you aren't the first to suggest I look Asian! This has happened to me a handful of times...during childhood and once or twice in recent years!