Thursday, November 17, 2005

higher education is in the house.

Congratulations on your life scheming, Kimberlina. You are about to embark on a career that promotes and honors intellectual freedoms; a career that vows to extinguish censorship and a career that could take you all over the world without ever leaving your seat (harhar). Is anything better than that?! Well, yes. You'll actually get a pair of these nifty gloves upon your graduation:

And maybe that T-shirt, if you're lucky.

I was trying to figure out how to cut and paste your face on his body, but alas, I'm way too new at Photoshop.


kimberlina said...

marry me, madge, marry me!


madge said...

ok. i have an idea. we can get matching MOMA rings.

kimberlina said...

you won't believe this (or maybe you will), but i still haven't gotten that ring! it's been on backorder for my size.

i've emailed them and they should have more coming this week.