Friday, November 18, 2005

This Bud is for Friday.

If this isn't indicative of what kind of day I had, then I don't know what is:

Alone I sit, drinking a can of Bud, wrapped in a coozie to keep it cold as long as possible.

The beer has been carbon-dated back to January 2004.

It is skunked to hell.

And yet I chug.

Eww, I disgust myself.



kimberlina said...

wow. have you been to that humongous wine/beer store out on south dale mabry? near westshore? incredible!

madge said...

I have not been to this wine/beer store yet - is it near the new Target + Wild Oats?

I wonder if it carries microbrews from Portland + Oregon in general. Widmer Hef, how I love thee. Mmmmmm. Okay, you've convinced me to check it out...