Thursday, November 17, 2005

from one brain cell to the next

  1. tomorrow is my good friend's 26th birthday,
  2. and I have nothing for her
  3. except a text message -
  4. doh!
  5. I suck at being organized in my personal life when
  6. I'm hardly organized in my full-time student + full-time job life.
  7. who wants a freaking text message for their 26th birthday?
  8. she gave me handmade papers for mine.
  9. and an IOU drink when I'm home for the holidays.
  10. ugh.
  11. what can i do with 12ish hours and 3,500 miles of limitations?!
  12. aha! itunes.
  13. yes. i think i'll see if i can do up some itunes.


Cheryl said...

I'm so bad at this myself. I buy the gifts and forget to mail them. Delivered flowers can be a good thing.

madge said...

Flower delivery! Okay, now we're on to something. I went to purchase an e-gift certificate from iTunes for her, but the transaction never went through. Grrrr!

John said...

DON'T send an "Sorry I missed your day" or other belated b-day card. They're no longer cute. My sister ALWAYS misses by a couple of days and I get one of those. They're not funny. Remember my dang birthday already.

But I digress. Flowers are nice. It may be a day late, but gourmet mail-order chocoloate covered strawberries are AWESOME! I personally use Shari's Berries. Kinda pricey, but they are delivered overnight and fresh. They're also good for impressing a first date or a romantic picinic for Valentines.

Trust me. I have the hickeys to prove it.

Spinning Girl said...

great idea!
ps I love the b&w photos too....

Meghan said...

if you're as poor as the rest of the college students of the world, maybe even a nice, hand-written letter telling this friend what they've meant to you. sure, it'll get there late, but i'm sure you'd be forgiven. and iTunes things are always good.

i smile that you got worried about me. i'm loved by people i've never met! yay!


kadah- oh man, when i was little, instead of saying "taa-daa!" i said "kaa-daa!" that's awesome. remember that photo of me as a wean? yeah, imagine that small thing saying "kaa-daa!" and you've got my childhood.

kimberlina said...

she'll be ok. i've had friends miss my birthday - lots of letters and maybe mix cds mean a lot. or say, "i'm working on something and i'm still not done with it!" and then make something real quick. ;)

btw - i'm totally doing the library thing. if you hear any jobs openings... let me know! i'm aiming for the next summer period on march 15th or so.

madge said...

Hmm, HitmanJ, I wasn't hoping for any dear friend Christina probably wouldn't be interested in giving me any, either. But here's to you & yours.

Thank you, Spinning!

Meghan, that's a very sweet idea! I do love to write letters and I used to exchange them regularly with my friend. We got lazy about it up until a year ago - now we send each other epic e-mails.

Kimberlina, I am so happy for you! I will keep my ears peeled - and I will spread the word, too, at my job. I work with 2 USF library grads, and they're very active in the community. :)