Thursday, October 20, 2005

This is just so wrong.

Welcome to Florida.

"A 93-year-old who went 3 miles with a man on his windshield loved to drive, police say."

"When asked what happened later, he told police the man dropped from the sky."



kimberlina said...

yea........ sometimes old people here are scary.

my friend once made a comment about people who go to her church. they wear huge glasses and then use immense magnifiers to read their already larger-than-life print bibles.

and they drive.

on the road.

behind the wheel.

oh do watch out.

madge said...

Yes...this is insanely spooky. This is why I have a hard time being a pedestrian here. Just walking to the store could mean the end of Madge.

EEEgads. I don't want to go down like that.

Meghan said...

why are you there?! please don't die! i thoroughly enjoy your comments, and if i logged onto your blog one day to find a note saying "blog discontinued- author disceased" i would cry.

old people are scary when they drive, but so are most of the people from eugene, remember? who's worse? i've been to Florida twice, and never driven. thank goodness.

sleep is a glorious thing. cheers!


anwofjkl- the name of the star wars character who got cut after the actor who played him was caught writing love sonnets to Jarra Jarra Binks.

FRITZ said...

JAYsus, that's scary. You know what I call Florida? God's waiting room.

My grandmother is 88 and still drives from time to time. What a scary thought.

When I'm that old, I hope someone will grab those keys from my hands. I do, I do.

John said...

I'm a HUGE supporter of re-testing for drivers' licences after the age of 70 and testing every 5-10 years after that. If we do it to EVERYONE and it is the standard practice, then we're not discriminating. It is a widely known fact that our reaction times, eyesight, and hearing dwindle over time.

I know someone who was in a major car wreck and sustained a minor brain injury. She was not allowed to work for 6 months. Doctors will not release her to drive until she takes a driving evaluation.


madge said...

Meghan: love sonnets to Jar Jar, eh? You really do need sleep. No, that was insanely funny.

Fritz: It really is God's waiting room here. And Q-tip season is almost here. Ugh. Are you sure you still want to visit?!

Hitman: I agree with everything...this happens far too often, but this one seems so disgustingly drastic. How many times does this have to happen? If we could just afford to lobby against AARP and AAA, then we'd be set. Until then, I'll be wearing a helmet on the sidewalk.