Friday, October 21, 2005

Friday's Fresh Delights.

I began reading Pride and Prejudice.
Out loud.
To myself.
In alternating British accents.

So far, I love being the voice of Mr. Bennet.

I photocopied four pages of information on Sophia Coppola today, from the Current Biography Yearbook, ca. 2003.

And then I gave them to a high school junior during passing time, because we have a mutual love for all things Sophia. We like how she wears her hair. We like how she said she tried a lot of things before filmmaking. It's very West Coast. We both get it.

I made a 5th grader go from tears to cheers this afternoon. She couldn't log on to her computer to research Tennessee (not Williams). No fear, I said, I'll help you at my computer. We did some low-key database research, and I found 19 pages of Tennessee fun for her. When I went to print everything, she said,

"Well, my mom taught me the Tennessee cheer."

"She did?! I have to see it!"

"T-E-N-N-E-S-S-E-E. THAT'S MY STATE IT'S TENNESSEE. [laughs] I forgot the hand motions."

Enter the omen.
The sky is darkening. Wilma, what are you planning on doing?

St. Lidwina, the patron saint of ice skating, is actually spelled St. Lydwina. Duh.

I won! A free treat for my lips, from Snapple. Must remember to send in the cap this time.

I still have to go to the post office. Ack!
There are two packages sitting on my front seat,
One week later.

Today's food of choice: comfort.
Homemade macaroni.
Nice and crispy on top.


Sleep Goblin said...

I love Pride and Prejudice. :)

madge said...

And I am loving it, too.

Girls haven't evolved much, as I'm coming to find out. We have always been such little bitches.

We rule!