Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Drive-thru brain cells. Warning: scatterbrained post.

  • This is how close I live to other people: I can smell someone's shampoo right now. I can't hear the shower, but I can definitely smell the shampoo. Is it freaky if I say, "mmmm, it smells nice?" I feel so Norman Bates right now.

  • I told Wilma that she wasn't allowed, but it looks as though she didn't read my blog. What's new? She's apparently coming, regardless.

  • I went to Wendy's for a treat after I grabbed some gas & cash (you know, I'm doing my part to perpetuate hurricane hysterics). The person in front of me, in the drive-thru line, accidentally got my order. Because she was so obnoxious, I could orginally hear that she ordered two Frosty's. I thought I'd see her again, and I did. In the Wendy's parking lot. She was eating my order in her car, and I'm going to tell you right now that I ordered nothing remotely close to 2 Frosty's. The people working at Wendy's and I agreed: she was a crazy beyotch...

  • I'm currently reading The Selfish Meme, by Kate Distin. Apparently, somebody is reading our blogs...

  • And somebody said this to me, "reading comes with responsibility, right?" That angered me! I wrote a whole post about it, and I didn't publish it. I am a lousy debater. But grrrrr! That's about how I felt.

  • Can't wait for this movie to be released (maybe next year)! Marie Antoinette:

  • Next, I want to read Pride & Prejudice. I've put off anything Austen for a very long time. While at work today, I picked it up, read the first page and was hooked. Sigh. Working in a library can be very counterproductive. Get it? Counterproductive?
  • Just a friendly reminder that indeed, I am very, very stupid.


Meghan said...

i dislike going to Wendy's for that very reason. The one back in Eugen on Willamette got orders wrong without fail. It was almost to the point of, "ok, if i go there, i have to allow an extra 10 minutes for a screw-up..."

i'm glad i bring you back to Eugene! occasionally i miss it. then i slap myself and remember all the reasons i'm glad to be gone, and my current location seems just that much better.

i'm working on the whole "sleep" theory... i thought 5 hours was pretty awesome, since it's 4 more than i'd gotten the two nights before, but just for you Madge, i'll go to bed early-ish tonight. i dedicate any sort of unconsciousness that occurs to you. hehe... alright, that's enough of me, cheers!


idunzja- scottish for "i done's ya"

madge said...

ahhhh. sleep in the name of me. i wish it were transferable...

zirdyjed - Zirdy, Jed = some guy out there.

kimberlina said...

wilma definitely looks like she's coming. what a slut. we'll see, eh? she's moving fast - one hot tamale.

and pride & predjudice! do it! it's wonderful... *sigh*

John said...

Word Verifier: The Gathering

Week 4, Wet-n-Wild Down-n-Dirrty


Only in the Hideout.

John said...

Quick FYI: This is the first time in modern Hurricane naming history that we've gotten to "W." it is also the last letter in the pre-determined names for the year. If we get another one, we go Greek and He'll be named "Alpha."


eqexeakz - A "Wheel of Fourtune" player's final-round nightmare. All those "E" and "A" with not a single "RSNTL"

Bobby said...

Almost all of the fast food places around me have gotten so bad on orders I have to triple check.

madge said...

Kimberlina: P&P is in my bag. Will probably start reading it by candlelight -ohsoJaneAusten- yes?

Hitman: yes, yes...I'll go to the Hideout. Trust me, I've been to NOAA more times than Noah. What?!

Bobby: Word. Fast food is something I shouldn't do...mess ups are a sign. And so was my tummy last night. Ugh.

carolina anne said...

About wrong orders. I went to Starbuck's today and ordered me a Chai Tea Latte. When I got it, it was much too hot to drink. My first sip of it was in class about 15 minutes later. Yeah. It was a regular latte. Just a plain, chai-tea-less latte. THE WHOLE REASON I ORDER A CHAI TEA LATTE IS FOR THE CHAI TEA!

madge said...

Grarhrhhkg! Sometimes Starbucks irritates me more than getting water in my ear when swimming. I am very angry that they didn't give you what you wanted. When I don't get the stinking .30 vanilla flavoring in my drinks because they forget, I get mmmmAAAADDDDD. But I never go back and say anything. This is because I'm big f*ing wimp with a blog.

(manhks you very much)

Monkey said...

If you want to add insult to injury with a wrong order, do it with a six year old in the car. Oh yes, the wrath of the completely incorrect Happy Meal, discovered 1 mile from the Portal of Hell is not a pleasant experience. No indeed.

Norman Bates? Madge, you are so interesting.

madge said...

I'm guessing the six year old doesn't like the dehydrated onions and/or mustard. Am I right? Am I right?

FRITZ said...

I used to work at a library. I got a lot of homework done, there.
I would love to listen to your rant, Madge. YOu always listen to mine!

What is this book, the Selfish Meme? Is it for Bloggers? Is there now a Blogger shop?

Fastfood is the end of the fine dining experience. They've got us trained. Even if the order is wrong, we normally take it just because we don't want to fuss with the bother of going back in and saying, "I ordered a chicken sandwich, not a bloody cow," or whatever. See, this is why people don't go to really nice restaurants anymore. We wouldn't know what to do with all that good service.

Sorry I ranted.