Tuesday, October 18, 2005

nothing beats a good mixed tape.

You'll never believe what I saw tonight at school:

In use. With a rubberband holding the tape deck in place. It made me so happy.

Especially since the user was about my age.

Rock on, sister.


Meghan said...

that would be a magical moment, to be sure.

hey, i see my name on the side of your blog? is that a link to my blog? awesome!!!


mlaju- a hawaiian greeting, roughly translating to "hey hot stuff"

madge said...

Total blinkage, Meghan. It was magical, I'm telling you. It really brought me back.

FRITZ said...


I'm getting so SICK of this ipod trend that I am excited to see a walkman.


xtcrvmm: ecstacy R.V's, mm?

John said...

There was an episode of "Family Guy" where Stewie fell for the Baby-sitter.

"I...uh..I made you a mix tape."

I remember making a mix tape for a girl I had a crush on back in the mid-90s.


Calzone said...

In school??? are you like 15?? Not that I would find you hotter if you were.

Meghan said...

i saw a walkman today!!! i did i did i did! wow, crazy.


prggejdf- a Shakespearian insult. It's a big one. i would know too, seeing as i'm in Ashland...

madge said...

Cole Train: You have a Walkman?! Or should I ask, how many do you have?!

Fritz: I think I have Ipod envy - I want one! but, I'm doing okay without, so far.

Hitman: My boyfriend loves that show!! I would love to see that episode - Stewie is genius.

Calzone! I should have said I'm in graduate school. That makes me sound older, right?

Meghan: You did not! Did you? Oh man. Everytime we see one, we must let the other know. Walkman Tally: two hash marks, please.

Monkey said...

That is truly a precious antique. Did you ask if you could touch it?

madge said...

Monkey, I tried to take a picture of it, as its near total extinction. But the owner said she'd prefer if I kept my distance.

Ahhh. That was good enough for me.

kimberlina said...

oops! i have an ipod. i have to admit that i love it.

madge said...

kimberlina...i think if i had an ipod, i would love it. we'll see - i may be the proud owner of one sooner than later. (i dream of all the songs i could download. no, really).