Tuesday, September 13, 2005

My lab's meme.

"I'm from the other side of the tracks. Woof you very much."

Name: Cole.
Nicknames: Coley, Cole Dog, Bubba Dog.
Age: 2 and 1/2.
Sign: Aquarius
Location: Florida
Favorite food: Mostly anything. But I hate cucumbers and pickles.
Best friend: D. Sergei, the mischievous cat. You couldn't ask for a better friend.
Favorite movies: The Incredible Journey & The Journey of Natty Gann.
Favorite pastimes: Hiking, camping, taking naps, and making long, heavy, happy sighs.
Favorite song lyric: From Nellie McKay's The Dog Song:

I'm just a walkin' my dog
Singin' my song
Strollin' along
Yeah it's just me and my dog
Catchin' some sun
We can't go wrong

Favorite trick to play: One time, I ate my mom's designer shoes. When she confronted me about it, I tilted my head like this and looked a little smug. And then I told her that a bird flew in the house and chewed on her shoes, and she believed me.
Favorite time of day: The morning, before everybody goes to work. That's when I'm called "morning baby." It's so corny, but I totally love it. Woof!
Favorite human invention: The 'magic moving machines,' a.k.a cars.
Favorite thing to hump: Who needs other dogs when you have pillows!? I love pillow girls!
Best attribute: I'm fearless.
Favorite thing to give the world without thinking twice: Kisses. Lots and lots of kisses.
Dream professsion: Acrobat.
Favorite animal: Frogs. I love frogs.


Meghan said...

I love Nellie McKay! That totally makes my day, I love finding other people who know of her.

People who have lived in Eugene for their whole life, and can tell me stories about going to the same high school I went to, really scare me. It's a great town and all, but staying in the same place (especially a place like Eugene) doesn't sit well with me.

Southern rocks my socks, I can't wait for next week when I can go back! Cheers!


FICS23 said...

Hey Bo-Peep :P
Careful with the frogs cole, i hear they are trouble.

madge said...

Meghan - How I miss the days of starting school in late September...ahhhh. I've been in school for three weeks now!

I first heard Nellie on NPR. She's so cute + rebellious.

Fics - My dog loves frogs so much that he impersonates them regularly. It's quite funny.

carolina anne said...

oh cole! i miss my little baby turtle so much...
i think cole is the first animal you've ever impersonated without giving a british accent

FRITZ said...

I'm stealing your idea. Sorry. Delilah is now going to get a post. Your dog and cat seem like very interesting company. Oh, me. Ow. Me ow.

madge said...

Anne, you should get a goldfish in the interim.

Fritz, Cole & Dually are very interesting little fellas...they are also happy that your cat is going to post something. Cole loves to be read to (no, I'm serious!), so he'll be glad to learn about Delilah.