Tuesday, September 13, 2005

My dog's best friend.

This is Dually, the mischievous cat. When Cole finished publishing his meme, Dually read over it and said, "What? No picture of me?" Cole felt, well, really bad. He looked down at his paws, shrugged, and said, "I guess I have to get back on the computer to post a picture of my best friend."

Now, I was feeling a little sorry for Cole at this point. It is quite an effort to type with big, clumsy paws.

Cole would never say this about his dear friend, but I would: Dually is very snobby. He even has a French accent. Can you believe it? He was rescued from a gnarly thicket in Orlando, though we presume he was most likely born in Paris, Epcot, United States and made a narrow escape when the last fireworks display ended for the evening. But you would never guess he was French American. Never! And we can't convince him otherwise. So when he wants something, like his studio portrait published, we adhere. Promptly. Or least his best friend Cole does.


carolina anne said...

dually isn't british either?!?? what happened to the pit bull?

madge said...

going. going. gon...

Meghan said...

So cute!!! My cat would never sit still long enough to take a photo of him... sadness.

Sy's is down on campus, just off 13th on Alder, around the corner from Starbucks and two buildings over from that crazy green crack house.

The guy who started Hiron's, John Hiron, used to buy me carrot cake at the YMCA when I was a kid, and would be done with my swim lesson. He's permanently on my good list.

madge said...

I KNOW exactly what you mean when you say "crazy green crack house."

I know exactly where Sy's is.

Hiron's guy rules!

My boyfriend was lucky to capture the cat. He doesn't sit still for long.

Monkey said...

most likely born in Paris, Epcot, United States

Oooh! What a provenance! I live with two felines and have mixed feelings about them, as they use me for a pillow. But the woman loves them, so I keep my mouth shut.