Monday, September 12, 2005


Instead of going to work tomorrow, I'd like to sit down with my bowl-o-Sharpies and handwrite letters to all of my family and friends. But. Not possible. Class after work. Three hours of class.

And then.

More work.


kimberlina said...

wow. that picture looks like the best kind of nap environment, ever.


That One Guy said...

Oh man, I am so envious of your heaping bowl o' Sharpies. Your drapes are prety rockin' too, kinda remind me of my couch, but in a good way. Anywho, spiffy blog-ness going on over here, and I just thought I'd give some well deserved kudos for it.

word verification: "wvaemgyi"
(why do I always get the hard ones?)

Bobby said...

I always tell myself I am going to hand write letters to all of my family, just for the heck of it. (And to imagine them going into shock.)

Instead, I don't even write emails anymore, I just insert the link to my blog and say "Get your updates there."

But they don't write me either. so im not a bad person. I'm really not.

And thanks for the link to the article earlier, I am going to read it after I get grumpy asleep.

Monkey said...

Are Sharpies the ones that smell good? The markers that make me high? I love those.

FRITZ said...

A. Thanks for complimenting my nose!
B. Thanks...I think the rest of this week is filled with M.E. days
C. You've got such a great portrait pic
D. This day was spent mocking Oprah
E. What exactly IS the duck motif?
G. I've never even BEEN to Florida. Isn't that sad?

kimberlina said...

fritz - it's not sad that you haven't been to florida. not at all. you're not missing much. well, maybe the beaches, if you're a beach person. or disney, should you love the little mouse. OH! i forget, you're missing the humidity, the hurricanes and the mosquitos! ;)

madge said...

kimberlina: *snooooze*

hey! it's that one guy! thank you for the kudos.

bobby: i'm getting very close to e-mailing "just check out my blog" to everyone.

monkey: sharpies have a faint permanent marker smell...or i'm just so used to it, i don't smell it any longer (which is probably not a good thing).


a) you're welcome
b) you're welcome
c) thank you
d) a 'Duck Motif' definition is in order, but first, i need a scanner!
e) kimberlina summed it up very well: you're not missing much.