Monday, September 12, 2005

exhibit a: fetal alcohol syndrome

I don't know what I like best about this tattooed, fleshy, hairy, muscle-T'd arm. There are sooo many things. I'll start with the cute gap between the front teeth. Charm-ing! ("But pa, how come you'd got this done bafore I got ma front tooth knocked down?") The overalls, sans shirt underneath: so very hills of West Virginia. Let's take a moment to appreciate Pa's foreshadowing forearm: "Jimmy Justin Jr., someday yer gunna have hair lack this on yer chest, [phlegm shot] comin' out lack all curly from the top of yer overalls."

And then let's finally appreciate the artistic detail. I'm not sure if it is coincidence, *but,* the tattoo artist may have watched one too many Missing Persons featurettes, a la Unsolved Mysteries. In my best Robert Stack, "should Jimmy Justin Jr. be alive today, our computer software program has generated this picture of what he may look like as an eight-year-old."

Well, who needs computers and pictures? Clearly, the best canvas for the family portrait is one fine piece of arm.


Meghan said...

Thanks for the laugh! Your style of analysing that tattoo has to be one of the funniest things i've read in a while.

I go to SOU, in an attempt to avoid the vortex that is Eugene. Lived here my whole live, and it is time to leave.


Spinning Girl said...

omg I am laughing so hard at this post. You are a trip! The curly hair coming out of the overalls! SO FUNNY.

madge said...

There is nothing quite like a tattoo that is so real it could actually start talking.